The PCC (parochial church council) is the church’s governing body.  The priest, two churchwardens and two Deanery Synod representatives are ex-officio members.  The remaining  members are elected for a three year term on a rolling basis.  After serving a term they must then stand down for a year.  The Deanery Synod representatives are elected together every three years and represent All Saints to the Synod and the Synod to All Saints.  All these elections take place at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).  Anyone on the Electoral Roll of the church is able to vote in these elections.

The two churchwardens are each elected for a year in office and may serve up to six years continuously before they must stand down.  This election takes place at the Vestry Meeting that immediately precedes the APCM.  The Vestry meeting is open to those on the Electoral Roll and the Local Government Register of Voters for the Parish.  After election the churchwardens take up office after they have been sworn in at the Archdeacon’s Visitation in May and then become the Bishop’s Officers until the next Archdeacon’s Visitation.  Churchwarden is an ancient and honourable office of great significance in the life of the church.

The PCC is assisted in its work by several sub-groups:

  • Child Protection
  • Finance and Property
  • Health and Safety
  • Shared Ministry Development Team
PCC Membership
Ex-OfficioPriest-in-chargeVernon Cuthbert
(elected annually)
Beverley George
Deanery Synod
(elected to synod for three years to 30 June 2026)
Keith Higgin (Treasurer)
Anne Hudson
Electeduntil APCM 2025Jenny Grant
Marie Philpott
Linda Ross
Jill Rowden
Caroline Snaith

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