
We support those who wish to marry by helping them to think through what marriage means before their wedding. Although important, the wedding day is just the start of a (hopefully) lifelong union of a man and woman. A wedding day has usually been planned for sometime and, as well as the marriage ceremony, will frequently feature a celebration after the ceremony. It is important that the ceremony does not get overshadowed by the party to follow, as without the ceremony there will be nothing to celebrate.

In order to marry at All Saints the couple must be able to show they are a UK or EEA National and have a qualifying connection. The qualifying connection can come through:

  • living in the parish,
  • a parent living in the parish,
  • worshipping regularly in the parish,
  • baptised or confirmed through All Saints,
  • having had parents or grandparents marry at All Saints.

If this is not the first marriage for either groom or bride then there is no automatic right to use All Saints, but it could still be possible.

In all cases, an early conversation with the Parish Priest will help to identify if there are any issues that need resolving to enable your wedding to take place at All Saints.

Having your wedding at a church with a Church of England priest means that the priest acts as the registrar, publishing banns of marriage, conducting the ceremony and creating the Marriage Document for the registration of the marriage. Once the Registrar has the Marriage Document they enter the marriage on the central Register of Marriages and a Marriage Certificate is available the following day.

The standard fees for a wedding at All Saints includes the provision of an organist, verger, some marriage preparation and a rehearsal. In 2024 the standard fee is £745. The church bit of a wedding is usually the least expensive part of the whole day!

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